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Summer 2020

In summer 2020, Jacoba Arekhi was invited to perform in productions such as the "Little Magic Flute" of the Theater Vorpommern and in a Swedish song program in a number of churches. Due to the Corona pandemic, however, all performances were cancelled.

Jacoba uses the performance-free time to record her favorite Arias, to rehearse new repertoire and to explore the Baltic Sea beaches in her surroundings. She also makes voluntary videos for educationally disadvantaged children, teaching them singing and showing them various exercises and games. Jacoba has previously worked with those children to whom the videos are directed, as part of the "Künste öffnen Welten" (Arts Open Worlds) program of the German Federal Association for Cultural Children and Youth Education.

Jacoba also uses this time to prepare for future projects. Updates will follow shortly.

© Jacoba Arekhi. All rights reserved. Photos by Boaz Arad. Designed by Marta Rajkowska.

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